MiniReminder is a simple but very useful application that reminds you of important events every time you start your computer. The program sits on the system tray and displays the reminders you entered at a specific date, showing the warning message and notes you entered. You can also set special warning limits like start a warning certain days before the event or keep warning certain days after the event. The reminders can also be set to be repeated every year, so you'll only have to create them once. This is particularly useful for birthdays and anniversaries. The reminder will show today's event and also the previous ones and those to come. It offers four colors to choose from, but you can also choose your own for the background, past days, todays, and future days events. The reminder's window can be moved all across the screen and you can set the size you like the most.
Adding new reminders is very easy thanks to a very streamlined "add new event" window.
In short, MiniReminder is a simple utility that can help you remember all your important events very easily.
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